This is a transcript of an actual class Michael facilitated. It gives you an idea of his very casual teaching style.
Humility is a vital part of Mastery and there is always two sides to everything, we live in this duality and the path to transcension is always dual as well, in order to move into what we call a Triune consciousness which is ultimately the synthesis to unity.
There are two aspects to maintaining humility, one I have spoken about extensively which is coming to that horizontal state of balance along that line where one side of that point of balance is over confidence through various degrees to its extreme which is messiah complex/God delusion the further you get out of balance and the other side is under confidence, lack of confidence to its extreme where you experience the melancholy states ultimately to abject depression and despair. To be able to maintain that point of balance and correct proportion, the beginning of that is to master that point of balance, point of horizontal balance.
The other side of that is all about acknowledgement, you must really master acknowledgment and acknowledgement works together with discernment, an important part of the Cosmosis process. Acknowledgement is an important part of maintaining humility. If acknowledgement is a point of balance at the centre, we have states of imbalance around acknowledgement. One side of that bearing in mind that acknowledgement, humility is all about accepting exactly where you are and accepting the truth, not under, not over, not false modesty, not grandiosity, so a lot of that has to do with this acknowledgement. Also without acknowledgment, without humility, compassion is impossible. So we need to get this acknowledgment sorted out.
The dynamic as far as the human being is concerned, the way acknowledgement works, is on one side we have neurosis and on the other side we have character disorder.
Neurosis is all about taking responsibility for things which aren’t your responsibility, nothing to do with you and character disorder is not taking responsibility for things that are actually your responsibility, which you have actually caused. You really have to get that sorted out and many of you, many people on the spiritual path tend to be quite neurotic. Oh it’s my fault, he must be talking about me, oh I am the one, being very quick to take responsibility for things which have nothing to do with you, that you weren’t the cause of and some of you, fewer than those that are neurotic tend to be more often than not, character disordered, refusing to take responsibility for that which you have caused. To be at cause you have to sort out acknowledgment because to maintain that point of balance is the other side of how do you maintain humility. Some people are sometimes neurotic and sometimes character disordered but most people tend to lean hard one way or the other.
Neurotic people are so quick to blame themselves and assume that it must be their fault, whether it is or not? What’s in it for them to do that?
Neurosis often comes from feelings of defectiveness.
What is the archetype that is way out of balance if you have that experience?
The martyr is way out of balance.
Psychologically the martyr is out of balance so you can certainly work on that, but you have to work with the feelings of defectiveness and that’s all about bringing value, the correct sense of proportion to your self- value, as opposed to your self-esteem. You have to go through and sort that out. If you don’t do that, sometimes you will be really happening and really great and sometimes you will get really triggered and you will start behaving like an idiot, someone way beneath where you are actually at. It’s very important to get humility sorted out and there are those two aspects to it, the whole thing about under confidence, overconfidence and this experience of neurosis and character disorder.
I say discernment works very much with acknowledgement because you can discern how you are involved causally with something. Many many many fine lines, you are not responsible for other people’s opinions, you are not responsible for other people’s emotions, however it’s not about just going around creating unnecessary emotional reactions in the name of being spiritual or truthful either. That’s not always an easy one to keep in balance. A lot of people who are on the path tend to use the truth really to wound, they are letting their ego get a hold of the truth and use it in a way which is putting people in their place, demeaning them, devaluing them so you can be in a place of superiority. You are using them to attack. It’s good to be aware of where people are at and what they are experiencing but you are not responsible for other people’s reactions, other people’s emotions, other people’s opinions.
We came from where we came from and did what we did yet it does not define who we are now. We see sometimes on the current affairs show, there is some exposé on some person and they are dragging up how they were twenty five years ago when they were a teenager. How is the person now, how are they and how have they been in recent times? Many people who have been venerated as Saints, many of the Christian Saints go off and have been in the holy wars in the dark ages, they were crusaders, raping and pillaging and in doing that they had these spontaneous revelations and awakenings, realised what they were doing and it completely transformed them and then they were a different person from that moment on and went on to be instrumental in producing enormous change for the better in adverted commas, in that time. Do you judge them for the marauding and the raping and pillaging or do you judge them for as they are now? People change, it’s very sad when people say, people don’t change because people do change, people change profoundly, most people go through a period in their teens where they go out and behave like animals. Often sexually promiscuous in a very very self-destructive way, and then they get it out of their system and realise it’s not for them and then they stop doing that, so it was relatively for a short period of their life they were like that and I get a little bit annoyed when someone who’s doing really good work and has been doing most of their adult life then has something that happened when they were eighteen at college, is brought up as something which seems to be an indelible smear on their character. That’s a little unfair because we all do stupid things, sometimes we do really stupid things and with the wisdom of hind sight, if you had your time over again maybe you wouldn’t have done it, but to say that that is always an indicator of that person being less then, that is very unfair. Because it is often those experiences that are the real turning points and character defining moments in their lives.
An example, the fellow in that prison break show, a young guy who was an up and coming Hollywood actor in that show and was just starting to make big movies and about five or six years ago, he went to a party, he was a young fellow himself, went to a party, had a few drinks, some mate of his was there, needed a lift somewhere, a couple of seventeen year old girls got in the car with him, he was only going down the road, giving them a lift and then him and his mate were going somewhere else, to another party and this whole episode took twenty six minutes, anyway, he skidded, hit a tree, his mate was killed, the two seventeen year old girls critically injured and he went to jail for five years, a very promising Hollywood star. I saw him interviewed last night on the TV, he had an early release for good behaviour and he is starting to work again, he is a changed man. He is a real advocate for not drinking, for social responsibility, he feels very blessed that he never got beaten up in jail even. Much love coming from this guy and a genuine remorse, with what can I give back to the world. It’s a smear, he is a convicted criminal now, but wow, he is a changed man, there is no way at this stage and he is only in his early twenties, there is no way that he could be like that unless something like that had happened to him. So is that going to define him, this guy is a changed man. It’s going to define him because it’s changed him but it shouldn’t define him from societies view point.
Yes nor should you define yourself from the really stupid things that you have done because it’s not the really stupid things that you have done in your life that define you but what you have learned from it and what you have become from it and anyone who has any wisdom will be much more interested in that and really coming to a state of peace within yourself and ultimately serenity with the path that has gotten you here which is an enormous part of this acknowledgement process, to really get that into a state of balance. I have done a lot of stupid things but almost all of them I only did once. Mostly, most people wouldn’t have done the really stupid things that they did if they really comprehended the consequences, if they really were aware of the consequences. Doing something really really stupid once, not quite getting it and doing it again, well, if you keep doing it, yes, maybe you can give yourself a bit of a hard time, but for the most part, most of the stupid things we do once and you get on with it, and hopefully they will be major major turning points. That’s why we were working with the process, looking at these sorts of experiences in your life and looking at it from a different perspective and not holding onto it in a way which defines you and predisposed you to limiting your potential for choice and experience in future moments. It’s very important that you are in a peaceful place with acknowledgment and acceptance is a part of that as far as your whole life is concerned because that is how you are going to achieve genuine humility.
Weekly Task
I want to work with this to get that acknowledgement without charge, without judgment of the path which has got you here, because that is a really good start to not being neurotic and not being character disordered.
Who feels they have a tendency toward being character disordered, to not take responsibility for that which they have caused?
So what do you feel the character disorder tends to be about?
Not wanting to get into trouble, not wanting to be seen to be foolish. Sense of entitlement, selfishness, not wanting to lose your standing in some way, laziness, foolishness selfishness, it all comes down to that, it always does. It’s not a good look.
One of the hallmarks of someone in mastery, they acknowledge their mistakes and they make it right they sort it out, they clean up their own mess and if people get hurt in the process, even if certainly not intended, they do what they can to make that right on whatever level they need to, it might be life time’s later, it’s an opportunity, there is someone that’s been wronged, in inverted commas, through something that I have done, now I have the opportunity to make that right. So that person is not worse off because of me. You can have the opportunity to do something to improve their lot on some level and to be able to make it right, so they are not disadvantaged by anything that you have done, so ultimately it’s not harder for them to achieve success because of something that you have done ultimately that’s the stuff that you drag around with you. There is not sin but there is that which is evolutionarily desirable and if you impact on the ability of someone to self-actualise to somehow place limitation or restriction on someone or something in a way which prevents it from being able to actualise its evolutionary potential then you are responsible for fixing that and most karma is actually geared around the karma of success and failure as far as the evolutionary process is concerned.
It’s much easier to clean up any little messes that you make as you go along if you are truly acknowledging your part in cause and effect, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, as you move through the livings. Sometimes with the wisdom of hindsight you can see how you have had in inverted commas a negative impact but it’s a little bit too late to fix it, then the more you tuck it away on soul level and you are going to have to fix it because ultimately this is what contributes to your binding karma.
My name is Earl, have you ever watched that, this guy who realises that he’s been an arse hole his whole life, so he makes a list of anyone he has ever hurt in his life and each episode is him going back and he is trying to make it right, and its twenty years ago, so him trying to make it right might just be another wrong, but he is trying to do the right thing, it’s a funny show to watch.
So to be able to acknowledge, understand and experience empathically the consequences of your choices and your moving through space in real time is one of the hallmarks of mastery and that’s characterised by saying that the ability to foresee consequences is one of the hallmarks of mastery but that is really what people mean when they say the ability to foresee consequences.
You don’t get away with anything in life; these systems are all about evolution, about the evolution of consciousness on various levels so if something that you do or be in some way or other directly or indirectly has some impact which is not about evolution, illumination, enlightenment and so forth then it’s your responsibility to fix that. That’s why you get to certain points in the process where you can’t go any further until you eliminate any binding karma that you have and that’s all the people/things that you have hurt along the way. You have to involve yourself in some way shape or form which allows you to be able to ideally make that persons evolutionary process better off for you having been involved, but if you have had a detrimental effect in evolutionary terms on anything then that creates binding karma and it’s your responsibility to sort that out. Now people get to the point, ready to take an initiation, and then they can’t move forward, they have passed all the tests and met all the criteria but they can’t because there is unfinished business. You can’t leave that bandwidth and move into another bandwidth when someone else is still on mute because of that, not to say that because someone else has a beef with you, that you can’t move on, if you don’t have any issue and you weren’t the cause because people create with their imagination, they impose limitation on themselves with their own imagination all the time, but that has nothing to do with you, but if it was directly causally attributable to you then you can’t move into the next bandwidth and become part of the next bandwidth as long as you have unfinished business karmicly.
That might mean a life time just to sort this out with this person, you might get to that point where you are ready to take an initiation and move up in the evolutionary process but your effectively now have to have fourteen hundred lives or a million lives and really that life is just about five minutes when you sort that problem out with that person. The thing is you might have to have five hundred lives to sort all that out and not lose the plot in any of those five hundred lives because at the end of those five hundred lives you still have to be ready to take the initiation but you are likely to actually pick up other karma. We sometimes actually see quite evolved souls coming in leading an almost solitary life, very driven, they seek out a situation and an opportunity and they contribute to something and they make it right and then they kill themselves, they jump in front of a train and then they are off somewhere else, if you are looking at the annals of time you will see that soul instantly incarnate somewhere else and that is just about they are cleaning up and not taking any risks. That why the fascination with the preservation of life is not necessarily what it’s about. So what is the purpose of this person’s life, it might just be that they need to achieve this and they need to experience this and that is what that life was about for that person.