Discover Transformation through Self Mastery...
Michael King is the founder of the Cosmosis Mentoring Centre which delivers holistic personal growth mentoring services with fully government qualified Mentors and Coaches using our Cosmosis Transformational Coaching Process.
Michael's experience in this life
Michael has experience in many varied fields ranging from customer service, engineering design, development and manufacturing, personnel and process management, college teaching, the entertainment industry, information technology, management and skills-based training, and many alternative therapies. He is fully Australian Government qualified as a Life Coach and Mentor. Michael has been working in the field of personal/spiritual growth facilitation since 1993.
Michael engineered and co-developed a transformational coaching process called Cosmosis™, which is offered to interested students of the Cosmosis Mentoring Centre. Cosmosis™ is an internal process for personal growth that enables you to change how you respond to the world. This personal growth process changes your personal reactions and feelings about the people and situations in your life, and, instead of simply reacting to life, empowers you to consciously choose how you respond. It transforms your old programming and fear-based belief systems. The process has nothing to do with anyone or anything else, it’s just self meeting self time and time again until you get the message that everything in your environment is a reflection of you, and that your life is your creation.
As you change your personal response to the people and situations you have attracted to yourself, your journey through life improves. It is very easy to measure your change because the people and situations pressing your buttons will suddenly appear to be acting differently, and your buttons won’t get pressed in the same way anymore. This is because the relationship dynamics in your life have been transformed.
Michael says
"We live in a world of science, technology and reason, wherein magic and spirit are denied. Some of us still know that not everything can be measured and rationalised, and if you are one of those people then welcome home. We are simply here to give you the opportunity to realise and actualise that you are so much more than you have been led to believe!
Cosmosis™ is a revolutionary tool for lasting personal and spiritual growth. It is not a miracle or a cure-all but rather a process of transmutation that alchemically allows you to clear your unwanted emotional baggage, limiting thinking, dysfunctional patterns, wounded or imbalanced states of being and to replace them with Love, self esteem, confidence, self assurance, compassion and wisdom . This allows you to progress towards embodying your highest potential as a human being, fully in Mastery of your energy, thoughts and emotions so that you no longer react to life like an automaton, but rather consciously respond to life with integrity. This enables you to be who you truly are - your authentic self and to consciously create your life, here and now with a singing heart. This process takes time, hard work and courage."
Working within the Cosmosis Mentoring Centre Michael oversees the personal growth process of hundreds of people and he teaches from his own experience in the fields of alchemy, philosophy, metaphysics and ethics. more....
You can read about Michael's life experience in his own words by clicking here.
Click here to learn about our Cosmosis Personal Growth Mentoring
You can read about Michael's Mentoring Philosophy here
You can learn more about the Cosmosis process here
You can read Michael's articles here
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